Ramping Sales of Ramping Your Brand

OK. Maybe not precisely exponential growth yet. But, in the book business, where most business books sell less than a few hundred copies and the sales end after six months, RYB is doing OK. Good even.

As of Sept. 30, I’m up to 1,800 lifetime sales, moving steadily every month.

I have to thank all the readers so far who have supported this effort. But I also have to thank the phenomenon known as word-of-mouth. Even my overzealous book promotions on LinkedIn can’t explain the continued monthly sales of a book targeting such a tiny micro-niche.

Only word-of-mouth can explain this above average performance for an under-capitalized book. And I’ve received many LinkedIn messages and e-mails confirming that this is what’s going on.

On Oct. 9, I’ll be celebrating with a free Kindle promotion. Please mark your calendars. Gift a bunch of free copies to folks you think need to read it.


Dr. James Richardson

[email protected]