Top Three Tips for Effective Consumer Marketing
You may have missed Friday’s PGS webinar. You can still register and watch it on demand. But you can also look at this very short list sans any detailed explanation!
Consumer Marketing = Consumer Marketing is any branded communication aimed at real humans before they enter a retail environment.
The Essential Problem = No one knows your brand exists.
Tip #1 – Favor Tactics That Yield Human Interaction Whenever Possible
(most critical when budgets are tight and the brand is young).
Tip #2 – Play back to the world what your early fans have figured out
(they hold the secret to the killer attribute-outcome signal your marketing must convey).
Tip #3 – Reducing Geographic Scale Makes Measuring KPIs Easier
(measure awareness online locally first to track effectiveness).
Boom. Register for the free, on-demand webinar and get all the details.