UPCOMING Is It Time to Pivot?, Feb 14

Unit velocities declining across the board? All channels? Unit velocities declining in one category but cranking in another? Either way, you’ve probably wondered if you should pivot. Pivoting your business is a huge, terrifying decision. This webinar will discuss an analytic process to guide this kind of decision that could save your business and send it up the Ramp of Exponential Growth.


FREE WEBINAR What Has Changed Since 2019?

* Deceleration of Natural/Organic Sales
* Major Shifts in the Competitive Context
* Requirements for New Startups
* The Skate Ramp Moving Ahead
* Q&A

FREE WEBINAR Top 10 Mistakes CPG Founders Make

Free! Learn the top 10 most common mistakes new CPG founders continue to make (yikes!) that can cost you money, time, and even the existence of your business. Totally worth 30 minutes of your time. Contains material NOT included in my book.

FREE WEBINAR Understanding Channels for Premium Brands

This is an on-demand, data-driven exploration of how early-stage premium brand owners should think about key classes of retail trade, including DTC and e-commerce. It includes blinded, real-world case studies of premium brand velocities by channel to drive home the key points.