Ride the Ramp.

Do you want to maximize the odds of scaling your brand to $100M and beyond? Then you need to learn the rules of exponential growth for consumer brands. I help clients build strategic plans based on these rules. And I also help them evaluate and revise those plans.


Is It Time to Pivot?, Feb 14

AND….Please Do Not Miss the Party…

Buy the Book.

In this book, Dr. James Richardson outlines a 4-Part approach to thinking smarter about growth as a CPG entrepreneur. It is based on years of anthropological research into how and why consumers pay for premium-priced CPG items and intensive 4P pattern analysis among an elite club of premium CPG brands that all reached $100M+ in less than a decade. Read a free sample on Kindle.

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“This book provides an excellent framework to build a consumer brand for the 2020s.”


General Partner of VMG Partners

“This is the book I wish I’d had 20 years ago”


CEO of Once Upon a Farm


What Do I Do?
√ I help founders create strategic plans to achieve exponential growth.
√ I advise founders on implementing, evaluating and revising those plans.
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