10,000+ Copies Sold and an Invitation to Prime Reading

In a few hours, I’ll be hosting my annual Author Holiday Q&A with a bunch of friendly folks. This year, I’m celebrating two milestones. The first is that Ramping Your Brand has sold more than 10,000 copies lifetime. This is not a lot compared to David Baldacci. But I didn’t write a pulp thriller either. My audience is tiny. It should have been a massive flop. 

My book has become an example of the principles it contains. Unique content (the book with data-driven research) designed to over-deliver an outcome (a more empirical mental model for rapid growth that prevents common mistakes) for a very specific audience (founders new to CPG who are easily misled). 

Plus enormous word-of-mouth, repeat reading, more word-of-mouth, and off it goes!

I’m also excited to mention that Amazon paid me to place Ramping Your Brand into Prime Reading! I’m right next to Stephen Covey’s megahit and a summary of Karl Marx’s thoughts on economics. LOL. I have no idea what that means. 

Join us in a few hours. Surprise canine appearance.

Dr. James Richardson

[email protected]